Hi, Welcome!

Thank you for being here! My name is Azanel and my passion for photography began as a young girl.  I would take pictures of family vacations and would scrapbook the trips to keep as memories. Since then, the passion has progressed and has created The Goodness Captured. Photos. 

My husband, Alex and I, are a couple that enjoy supporting each other's passions. Some of our favorite things include going hammocking, going on picnics, and enjoying time with our friends and family. We enjoy going on adventures and scrapbooking them in our 'Adventure Book' to preserve the memories for a lifetime. 

We are located in Fort Worth, Texas, and do photo sessions in surrounding cities. We love to capture defining moments in life such as engagements, families, maternity, and portraits. We enjoy laughing and making sure that each photo session is filled with joyous memories.  

It is always an honor to get to photograph and know our clients. We hope to make your next session an experience with laughter and happiness! 

With love,

The Bonuzs

All rights reserved 2020
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